Research shows that to develop the habit of regularly going to school, a routine starts in the first years of school. By regularly going to school, your child and your family gets to know the teacher, other children and families. The more you are involved in your child’s learning the more we can work together to support your child and make sure they get the best start to school. Attending regularly helps your child develop a sense of belonging and connection to school.
When students do not miss school often, their grades and reading skills continually improve—even among those struggling in school. Students who are not in school miss out on what is being taught. When absences become a pattern or chronic issue, students can fall behind and experience academic struggles with lower academic performance as well as experience challenges beyond the classroom.
Teachers and administrators can consistently provide high-quality learning and character development when parents/guardians/families ensure students attend school each day. Saturn Street Elementary School Arts & Media Magnet partners with each family to see every student reach their full potential, including assisting families with situations that may prevent students from attending school daily. If you are a Saturn Street Elementary School Arts & Media Magnet family that needs support, please reach out to our PSA school counselor for support with attendance.